TaipeiPLAS 2024
GMA team will show up at Taipeiplas 2024,
where we will showcase our latest innovations in extrusion technology.
including high-precision extrusion dies, advanced slot dies, and the highly efficient back-flush screen changer.

Exhibits highlights:

Extrusion Dies: 
GMA is known by providing various of extrusion dies, our team can design and manufacturer the suitable extrusion die to meet your production line.

Slot Dies: 
Designed for precision coating applications, 
our slot dies deliver high-quality results in film and sheet production, enhancing material efficiency and product consistency.
If you are looking for the best solution to improve your coating line, just come to meet us.

Back-Flush Screen Changer: 
This system offers seamless operation and continuous filtration, 
reducing downtime and improving productivity on extrusion lines.

Don’t miss the chance to visit us, to experience firsthand how our technology can drive your production line to new heights. 
Whether you're looking to optimize performance or explore the latest advancements, 
we have solutions tailored to meet your needs. See you at Taipeiplas!

Time : 2024 /09/24-09/28 10:00-18:00
Place: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center 

Booth: Hall1, 4th Floor, M0916

Ref. video:https://youtu.be/QrxdJk252lI?si=89Zh_Hwdlf0eIFq9